In a bizarre turn of events, the city of Philadelphia has been buzzing with peculiar Kamala Harris advertisements featuring an animated version of the Democratic presidential candidate decked out in Philadelphia Eagles gear. The ads boldly proclaimed Harris as “the official candidate of the Philadelphia Eagles” and directed viewers to visit
Curiosity piqued, many residents stumbled upon the website only to find that Harris was nowhere to be found on any official Eagles endorsement list. Instead, the page was filled with important dates related to voter registration and polling locations. The confusion caused a stir among fans who took to social media to share their bewilderment.
As the advertisements gained traction online, the Eagles swooped in to set the record straight. Issuing a statement distancing themselves from the campaign, the team made it clear that they were not affiliated with the ads in any way. “We are aware counterfeit political ads are being circulated and are working with our advertising partner to have them removed,” the team stated on Monday.
Despite the Eagles’ swift response, the mystery behind the ads remains unsolved. The identity of the mastermind behind the campaign and the source of funding are still shrouded in secrecy. However, one thing is for certain—the Eagles are adamant about disassociating themselves from any political endorsements.
The saga of the enigmatic Kamala Harris ads has left the city of Philadelphia scratching their heads, wondering who could be behind the misleading campaign. As the investigation continues, one thing is clear—the Eagles are not in the business of playing politics.