In a shocking turn of events during Sunday’s game, Packers center Josh Myers found himself in a less than ideal situation when he vomited on the football right before snapping it to quarterback Malik Willis. This unexpected mishap left Willis in a tough spot, as he was forced to ditch his original passing play and instead keep hold of the vomit-covered ball to make a run for it.
Despite the unusual circumstances, Willis was quick to defend Myers, insisting that no one should be quick to criticize the dedicated center for his unfortunate moment of nausea. Recounting the incident, Willis shared, “I saw Myers puke right in front of me and didn’t think he’d be able to keep playing, but instead Myers immediately snapped the vomit-covered ball and carried out his blocking assignment.”
Reflecting on the chaos that ensued, Willis expressed his surprise at Myers’ quick recovery and commitment to the play, stating, “He did a great job. I was surprised he got the ball off, and then he started blocking. It was awesome.” Willis further emphasized that he never intended for the incident to reflect poorly on Myers, sharing, “I told him sorry a bunch of times because I think he’s getting a lot of flak. He was working so hard, he threw up. A lot of stuff is going through your mind when you’re throwing up and one of them’s not football.”
While the circumstances were certainly bizarre, Willis acknowledged that having vomit on the football presented a real challenge for him as a quarterback. “I couldn’t throw it. I just couldn’t. It was wet,” Willis admitted, shedding light on the difficulties he faced in trying to navigate the situation.
In the end, while the incident may have disrupted the flow of the game, it served as a testament to the resilience and dedication of both Myers and Willis in overcoming unexpected obstacles on the field. Despite the challenges they faced, these two players were able to rise above the chaos and continue to give their all for their team.